True, but there are things that your Uncle Oswald, Jennifer Anniston and others know that you don't. I have kids, but their mother was only in their life a short while - they have a father, but just a drive-by mother. They know things that I don't, someone who has a fully present mother and father (now great-grand parents at 86 and 91 years old, still married - to each other) in his life. Like that mother and yourself on that beach, there are myriad things about each other beyond and about parenthood that you could not possibly understand. Yet, you presume to understand the most fundamental, most personal of decisions regarding parenthood - the decision to become one in the first place. Except for being annoyed by the ice cream truck (which, as a parent, annoys me too), it sounds like your Uncle Oswald enjoys an amazing life. But in your eyes - and words - not so much.