This, from a basic argumentation theory standpoint, is a terrible argument because it is so easily countered. Just one example to the contrary renders your premise false. And, in fact, it is not true that "[all] AA members never tell anyone to try something different." I have, many times. I know of others who have, too. You could have said, "many," or, "some," or "a lot" or, most accurately, "those I encountered," and you could have changed the qualifier, "never," to "rarely" or even kept it, with the preface, "in my experience." All of those edits would render your premise at least plausible, if not true. But again, your disdain clouds your own words, which, in another of your posts, you say "matter." I could not agree more. They do. Yours do, mine do, and AA's do - and some of theirs absolutely should be changed. But you aren't trying to elicit change, you are getting clicks by preaching to your own choir and from those who you piss off. Your goal, apparently. I guess congratulations are in order - for this click and the bonus comment - no claps, though; it's an AA thing anyway.